Billy Crafton here, playing a little catch up as it’s time to talk about the awesome Gracie Annual Association Meeting held in San Diego earlier this year.

Myself, along with Ralph Gracie, Royler Gracie, Royce Gracie and others hosted the 2018 Annual Gracie Association Meeting here in San Diego this year. The three-day event featured a veritable who’s who of Jiu Jitsu champions and included several different sessions focusing on all different areas of the jiu jitsu world.

We covered everything from employing jiu jitsu for self defense (with a focus on when an attacker has a gun, knife, or bat), to Tournament and Fighting Strategies (spotlighting unique methods used by champions to excel in tournaments), to different strategies for jiu jitsu in general (even including MMA fights in the mix).

Billy Crafton with Royler Gracie and Ralph Gracie

My favorite part, however? On the final day, Royler Gracie shared his deep knowledge on the business of running a Brazillian Jiu Jitsu gym, teaching his specific curriculum and discussing how to add more students, how to keep the students already in the fold, and other key factors crucial to the success of any BJJ gym owner.

I’m already looking forward to next year!

Check out the full press release, titled Billy Crafton and Gracie Host Annual Association Meeting in San Diego, right here for more.