Billy Crafton Jiu Jitsu Now on Instagram + Our New Video Training Series


As life continues to push back towards normal, we’ve taken some time here in 2021 to bring some great new things your way via Billy Crafton Jiu Jitsu.

First off, we launched the brand new Billy Crafton Jiu Jitsu Instagram channel, which contains Instagram-friendly versions of some our training videos, for those of you who prefer “The Gram” over YouTube. The videos are of course cropped, out of necessity for viewing on Instagram’s very different formatting (square and mobile-centric), but you’ll still get the concepts Regis Lebre and I teach in the different segments.

So pay a visit to the Instagram page ( when you get the chance and connect with us there. BIG THANKS to everyone who already has, since we shot up over 100 followers incredibly quickly. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the support there.


 The big news here at Billy Crafton Jiu Jitsu, however, is the brand new FREE BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU TRAINING VIDEOS we’ve been uploading to YouTube on the regular. You can see the first couple right here in our Jiu Jitsu Videos page, but to keep current on the full series, you’ll want to head over to our Billy Crafton Jiu Jitsu YouTube Videos page and subscribe. That will help give you a heads up as new videos publish.

At publishing date here, we’ve launched about 6 videos I believe, out of the 8 total that we recorded for the first series.

We’re also adding each video to a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Training Playlist, so feel free to click that link, then you can watch all of the videos in the series in order, which is great.

For now, I’m busy training for my next tournament, and I’ll have more news on that soon as well.

In the meantime, have a great summer everyone!

— Billy